Thursday, February 7, 2008


So last night we continued our way through the T.A.W.G. series as Pastor Derry led us through some different elements of how our time alone could be spent with Christ. He also directed us to look at some different passages of scripture and I found myself indulging in John 15:9-17. In this passage verse 16 really caught my attention it says: You did not choose me, but I chose you! And that really challenged me. God values us more than we could ever imagine. I mean He Chose Us and he clearly didn't have to. He chose each of us for a specific purpose, and reason to advance His Kingdom and glorify His name. By reading this I was just really challenged and it led me to write this poem.

You Chose me?

You chose me?
I don't understand
Why did you create me
In your precious hands?
Father I'm weak
And always fall down
You will be disappointed
You will probably frown

God it's only me!
I'm not special at all
And even if you pick me up
I'm just again going to fall

But you choose to say different
You chose to make me
You have never let go
Which I can not believe

God I'm going to do it
Be the person you want me to be
It's gonna only get tougher
But I smile cause I know you chose me!

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