Tuesday, March 4, 2008

On Fire Rallies (Night 2)

Hearing God's Voice
Psalm 46:10- Be still and know that I am God.
Why is it so hard to hear God's voice? Why is it so hard to distinguish God's voice from our own. Last night Caleb really challenged us on just being still and listening for what God has to say. Listening for God's voice can be incredible and at the same time frustrating. Incredible because we have the opportunity to really listen to what God the creator of the universe wants to say to us. Frustrating because sometimes we don't hear God speak, or we hear ourselves or the enemy and think its God's voice. But do we really ever give God a chance to talk to us? Truth is, it's going to be hard to recognize a voice that you rarely listen for. It's like picking up the phone and calling a complete stranger and becoming upset when you don't know who the person is. The more you stay in contact with the voice of God the better you will be able to recognize his voice. Pray that the Lord will silence the voice of the enemy and silence your own voice and pray that God's still small voice will come and speak to you. You may hear some crazy things, but I think it's worth talking to the King of Kings.

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