Monday, January 21, 2008

A Beautiful Mess

For being a Monday, today felt like a very productive day! I was really excited with everything that happened. I woke up, did some chores, ate, went to work, came home and totally rearranged my room, and ate again. I know it may seem pretty boring but I enjoyed it. As I was cleaning my room I couldn't help but sit for a little bit to catch my breath. And as I did I looked at what a mess I had made but couldn't help but smile because I knew that soon the room would look as good as new. Sometimes I feel like this happens with our lives spiritually we make a mess and not just your everyday mess a HUGE one. But I don't think God shakes his head at us and turns away, no He smiles because He knows that only through our "Beautiful Mess" a clean room really shines.

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