Tuesday, January 22, 2008

World Day

Everyday during the week I try to do something unique for my devotional time and Tuesday's are World Days. I try to focus my attention on all the previous mission trips that I have taken, different unreached people groups throughout the world, and on our current Kenya Night. So I look back at and continue to pray for SEMP 05' in Toronto, Canada. I also look at my to IMPACT trips to the Dominican Republic and Mexico. It is so awesome to look back at these trips and remember all of the amazing things that God did for these countries. My most recent addition to my Tuesday World Days are to check out the top ten most unreached people groups in the world. On Wednesday nights in our Senior High youth we have been focusing in on the word MOVE. Derry has challenged us to move on our knees through prayer, in our hearts for inward transformation, and in our world. One of the ways he challenged us to MOVE in our world was to visit http://www.joshuaproject.net/ and research lost people groups and pray for them. This has really challenged me to look at and really concentrate on certain people groups in our world and pray for revival in these areas. Also our most current world activity in the youth group is Kenya Night which will be held on Feb. 20. Kenya Night is a follow up to last years Maasai Night with the addition of supporting the AGC Abanded baby center in Kenya, Africa. Planning for this night has also been a way that I have been able to remember to lift this country up to our Lord and have a chance to affect lives that I may never see.
A footnote - please take time to check out the display at the top of the blog. I have added the "Ureached People of the Day" that should update itself everyday with the new people of that day so that you can join me in praying for them. This has truly become a burden on my heart and I thank you for joining me in this prayer effort.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

So for the record I just saw your picture on Jeff's blog...and it made me laugh. :)