Thursday, January 24, 2008

Trying Something New

I have been really challenged in my walk with Christ to pursue some new ways to grow in him. So, for the next several weeks I will be trying something new and seeing how it works. This is open to anyone who would like to give it a try as well. I am going to take a different word or characteristic, if you will, of God every week and really focus in on it and what it really means to me. I also want to find and memorize a scripture with that specific word in the verse. The Lord has also challenged me to take one of the worship songs we sing every week at either Wed. nights or Sun. mornings and not sing or listen to it all week. Instead read it every day and focus on the lyrics and the heart of the song. Sometimes some of the everyday ordinary things in our life can become ways to worship Him when he brings it to our attention.

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