Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Monday, January 28th marks exactly ten months since Whittley and I have started dating. I know, don't ask me why she hasn't gotten rid of me yet cause I would have gotten rid of me by now that's for sure! I am a firm believer on Derry's thought, That men in ministry usually marry way out of their league. I know I am not currently in ministry or married, but isn't weird that I want to be involved with ministry and I'm dating way out of my league. Derry I think your on to something! So with this post I thought I would add the story of how Whittley and I actually met. Well it goes back to December '06 when the Senior High met in the Fireside Room at the Church for a Christmas party. We were all just talking and I was with Fred a.k.a. (Jordan Taylor) and I looked over and saw this incredibly beautiful girl and I was like hey Fred who is that she's really pretty. And Fred was like dude thats my cousin (Insert Awkward Moment here). So I thought to myself well I can't just pass up the opportunity to not introduce myself because I really want to get to know "Everyone" in the youth group (notice the sarcasim). So I went up and told her my name and she told me hers and that was it. I was disappointed that I didn't say more but I really didn't know what to say to someone I just met. So skip a couple months and go to February. It was actually the First Serve in February and that was the next time I saw her. It didn't help that I had on my usual sweatpants, sweatshirt with coffee stain, and bed hair. So I tried to stay away so I could still peek at her and see if she would ever peek back. So when First Serve was over I arrived back at home, but I couldn't take it anymore. So the next day Super Bowl Sunday, I texted Brooke Hoover and asked for Whittley's number so she gave it to me and I went for it. Yes, I realize texting is a dumb way to do it but I was to scared to actually talk to her. So to make this crazy long story short, we ended up talking that whole week. I went to the coffee house with her the next week and we talked every day for about two months. March 28th came and I realized it was time to make my move. I was getting ready to go on Spring Break and her birthday was in three days so I thought I could give her a special gift. Whittley was at dance that night so after Church I sped over to Lee Ann Stewart's Dance studio in Syracuse and did the impossible. Her brother Caleb had given me an extra key so I snuck into her car, left her two songs to listen to on a CD and a bunch a candy on her front seat. Then I carefully snuck into her trunk so when she called me after she listened to the songs she would be surprised!!! It was genious and it worked out great haha.........until I got stuck between two strollers and a car seat and looked like an idiot. Oh well I guess looking dumb can pay off after all!


Nicole said...

Very cute story...I did not realize you two started dating so soon after Dustin and I. Our 1 year is on Kenya night. Anyway...like I said cute story...but I think you meant that you met her in December of 06 not 07 (cuz that would have been like a month ago

TC said...

Now I see why the two of you were so interested in taking my youth class on the Quiet Time Journal TOGETHER last Spring...it all makes sense. Haha. Very cool dude...keep being the man of God you are.